What does a Hockey Puck weight?

Hockey is different from other team sports like basketball, baseball, and soccer because it uses a non-spherical object for scoring. Although the hockey puck is round, it's flat on both ends like a coin. Its shape can lead to odd bounces.

Although a hockey puck's form is evident to the eye, many don't know its weight. This article will show you how heavy a hockey puck is, its dimensions and size, as well as the history of the game.

The Weight of a Hockey Puck

A hockey puck is approximately 6 ounces according to the NHL's regulations standards. This converts to about 170 grams using the metric system. The Olympic Games and other international hockey competitions use a six-ounce puck.

Although a hockey puck's form is evident to the eye, many don't know its weight. This article will show you how heavy a hockey puck is, its dimensions and size, as well as the history of the game.

The Weight of a Hockey Puck

A hockey puck is approximately 6 ounces according to the NHL's regulations standards. This converts to about 170 grams using the metric system. The Olympic Games and other international hockey competitions use a six-ounce puck.

Other types of hockey pucks are available for different purposes. There are youth pucks that weigh around four ounces and heavier training pucks that weigh 10 ounces. Roller hockey pucks weigh about six ounces. These pucks are also available in different colors.

Hockey Puck Size

The dimensions and size of an NHL puck are three inches in diameter and one inch high. All skill levels in hockey have standardized their dimensions and size around the globe, similar to the regulation weight of the hockey puck.

A regulation hockey puck measures 7.62 cm in diameter and 2.54 cm high. Surprisingly, youth, training, and roller hockey pucks have the exact dimensions of NHL pucks.

Hockey Puck: The Making of

Hockey pucks are made in Canada, Russia, and China. Sher-Wood, the NHL's official supplier of game pucks, has its Quebec factories producing between 300,000 and 400,000 pucks yearly.

Mixing granular rubber with a bonding material in a machine is the first step in making a hockey stick. The rubber and bonding material can also be combined with carbon black, a form of coal dust. The mixture is then compressed and molded.

History of the Hockey Puck

To get to the current hockey puck, it took an experiment. Hockey players initially started with a ball and found it difficult to control the puck on the ice. Although the first puck was square, people began cutting off the bottom and top of rubber balls to make flat pucks.

People were gluing layers of rubber together in the early 1900s. A few decades later, the hockey puck was able to resemble the shape and size we use today with synthetic rubber. The NHL had standardized official pucks by the 1990s.

Final thoughts on the weight of a hockey puck

The hockey puck is unique in its shape, size, and production. There are only a few official manufacturers. The six-ounce vulcanized rubber puck is widely recognized. It's usually coated in black.

We hope you have learned some information about the hockey puck's history, weight, and size. You can ask any questions in the comments if you have them! We would love to know what kind of hockey pucks are used for practice, roller hockey, and street hockey!

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